There is something about me being asleep that allows the Lord to communicate with me easier. Maybe it's because I 'm not distracted or because I'm more relaxed or maybe it's just because I'm more receptive. I really don't know how it works, I just know that it does. If you have read my book you know that I receive a lot of dreams. Outside of my daily walks, I frequently receive answers to my prayers through my dreams. On this particular day October 4, 2017 I received guidance from the Lord but it was not how I was used to getting a word from him.
My publisher was holding a Book Camp and thought it would benefit me to attend. I did not have the money for the camp but I knew that I could get a scholarship to attend if I wrote an essay. I could have easily wrote about something from my book but I wanted to do something different. For the life of me I could not think of anything to write this essay about. So like I do with everything else I prayed about it and asked the Lord for help.
That night I was awakened at 4 am with an idea that I could include in my essay. I was so tired. and I did not want to wake up but I received a couple more sentences that I thought would be helpful as well. I remembered what I had prayed for the night before. In the dark I grabbed my notepad from my nightstand and by the light of my cell phone I jotted these thoughts down quickly and closed my eyes. Just as I thought I was going to sleep I received several more ideas. I was so sleepy and I contemplated asking the Lord if we could do this later. I had to remind myself that I asked for this. So, I wrote those ideas down and closed my eyes again. It appeared that the Lord was not done with me because as soon as I thought I was going to fall asleep more ideas rolled in.
You see, I am the type of person who loves my sleep and I don't usually get bright ideas in the middle of the night. So, this was getting a little annoying but I knew where these ideas were coming from. This went on for the next 40 minutes. Each time with me thinking this was the last idea I needed to write down. Each time I had to catch myself because all I wanted to says was not now Lord. I just wanted to go back to sleep and stay asleep, I had to get up for work in a couple of hours.
At 4:40am just when I was thinking that I should just get up, I asked the Lord if I could go to sleep now. I didn't get an answer but I closed my eyes and fell into the deepest, most peaceful sleep. When I woke up the next morning and looked at what I had written. I was pleasantly amazed, I had 2 full pages of notes for my essay. That's when I counted it up, he had awaken me 19 separate times in that 40 minute period. But I had exactly what I had asked for, all I had to do was organize it and submit it.
That morning I woke up with a song in my spirit, Be Still by Travis Greene. The words to this song are, Be still and know that I am God, Be still and know that I am in control, I am still God. Message received loud and clear. I was amazed and awe struck with tears of joy yet again. God never ceases to amaze me.
I am going to continue the next blog post, with more of my final thoughts and the actual essay I wrote.
KJV 1 John 5:15 And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him.
KJV Matthew 7:7 Ask and it shall be given you... (One of my favorite verses, proven true over and over again)