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Relationship to Purpose Testimony

Writer's picture: Sherry KirklandSherry Kirkland

With the new release of my new book, Stumbling Blocks I have been talking a lot about purpose. About finding your God given purpose. About how it is already ours and how it is something that no one can take away from us. We just have to put forth the effort to find it.

I believe that we are each born with our purpose, deep down inside of us. I believer that it is one of the many gifts that God has given us. A gift to help us to live the more abundant life that the Bible speaks of. The key to living our best life is a relationship with God.

A relationship with God has nothing to do with how often you attend church. It also has nothing to do with your position in the church or how much money you give to the church. It is about getting personal with God. Talking to Him regularly, seeking to know more about Him, opening your heart, mind and soul to Him.

As you do these things God will grow closer to you. He already knows everything but He gets to know you intimately. He will begin to respond to you and become an active part of your life. There will come a point where you know without a shadow of doubt that He sees, hears and know who you are. That is when you know that you are in an active relationship with God.

Long before I started writing, I had a dream. This was back in 2016 not long after I changed my life. Looking back now it makes perfect sense. But at the time I had no clue what God was trying to tell me. But looking back now i understand it clearly.

I dreamed that I was walking down a long white, brightly lit Hallway. There was a woman walking towards me from the opposite end of the hallway. In the dream I knew that we had a message for each other. We needed to tell each other the tools that we needed in order to complete our jobs. As we got close to each other I rambled off four or five items, all related to secretarial duties. And she just had one word for me, 'pen'. We continued past each other and the dream ended.

I woke up scratching my head not really understanding what I would need a pen for. At this time I had no interest in writing. The though had never even entered my mind. It was over a year later that I received the message to write. And once I began writing this dream came back to me immediately.

To me this proves that God does not want to hide our purpose from us. For me once I started writing, it lit a fire in me. I have been writing nonstop for the last 2+ years. It all began with my relationship with Christ. Which led to Him prompting me to start writing. Only God can do that and now I am confident in what He wants me to do. It still amazes me every time I think about it.

Are you standing in your purpose? What is your testimony? Share it with someone today.

KJV Jeremiah 1:55"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations."

NLT Proverbs 16:4.The Lord hath made all things— And especially all men; for himself — For his own service and glory; for the discovery and illustration of his own wisdom, power, goodness, truth, justice, and his other most glorious perfections.

KJV Psalm 57:22I will cry unto God most high; unto God that performeth all things for me.

Isaiah 43:77Even every one that is called by my name: for I have created him for my glory, I have formed him; yea, I have made him.

Galatians 1:1 1Paul, an apostle, (not of men, neither by man, but by Jesus Christ, and God the Father, who raised him from the dead;)

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