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The Better Movement

Writer's picture: Sherry KirklandSherry Kirkland

In the Bible, Philippians chapter 2 verse 4 says, 'Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.'

Today I am going to talk to you about a non-profit organization that embodies this verse fully. The Better Movement. The Better Movement is an organization run by Candis Nicole to empower women. She wants to encourage, motivate and inspire women from all walks of life. She wants to help women to be better mothers, wives, friends, leaders, employers or whatever it is that they are. Simply put she just wants women to be better.

Her goal is to help women find clarity in who they are. By having real life conversations about family, trust, insecurities, marriage, relationships, identity issues and more. In having these conversations Candis hopes that women become free of their past and anything else that could be holding them back. Free to discover and live in their purpose. Free to dictate their own future. Free to be exactly who God created them to be.

The Better Movement uses social media as a tool to free women. As women we have to realize that we have more in common with each other that we admit and many of us go through the same issues. The same hurts, the same truths and the same life issues. Many times these are things that we do not want to talk about. We may not even realize it but we carry these things around with us, tucked deep down in our souls.

Candis' vision is to use women to help other women. To help free each other from the things we've experienced that are hidden from the world. Candis strongly believes that it is time to stop letting our past dictate our futures. But it's not all about the bad stuff. The Better Movement is here to uplift, to educate or just laugh at things in life that we all go through.

It's about women who've gone through to help another woman to get through. Encouraging each other to find our strengths and to create a sisterhood where we are not competing against one another but supporting each other.

Candis Nicole is a certified business and life coach. For her this is not just a movement but her passion and her purpose which is obvious and clear when you hear her speak. To learn more about Candis Nicole and The Better Movement go to her You Tube page-

Where you can watch plenty of funny and motivating videos. You can also hear and learn more about the Better Movement directly from its founder. If you visit her page please don't forget to subscribe so that you're notified of new videos, upcoming events and more.

You can also follow Candis on Facebook-

If you'd like to support this movement go to

to purchase an 'I'm Better' t-shirt or other merchandise, or to make a donation. You can also contact Candis directly on Facebook.

For excellent business plans at a great price or business coaching in general, go to her business consulting website Plan It

John 15:12 12This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you.

Hebrews 13:1616But to do good and to communicate forget not: for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.

Hebrews 6:1010For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have shewed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister.

2 Thessalonians 3:1313But ye, brethren, be not weary in well doing.

Galatians 6:22Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.

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